Who Are We?

Who Are We?

We are a group of Christians who realize that Christianity is a religion of love and truth.  A happy part of our lives is caring about the Lord, His word, our brethren and our neighbors.

That care builds warmth and closeness.  It also builds concern for souls and for the long-term spiritual good of others.  This is the reason we talk about what God commanded and how important it is to keep His commandments.

You are benefited when someone cares enough about you to find the truth in the Bible and then teach it to you.  You are loved when they seek to stimulate you to obey it.

So, the church of Christ meeting at 11626 Mill Road is an independent local congregation of Christians, i.e., believers who have been baptized into Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and who are committed to live by faith in Him.  We seek no affiliation larger than this local congregation.  We do our work independently of other churches even other churches of Christ.  This is not because we consider ourselves better than other churches.  We do our own work because the Lord has not authorized us in His word to be organized together with other churches.  Each New Testament church did its work with its own funds and oversight.  (1 Pet. 5:2; 1 Cor. 16:1-2; Acts 20:28).

We honestly care about you and seek your eternal salvation.