
The church of Christ meeting at 11626 Mill Road invites you to come worship with us. You will receive a warm welcome.
In the New Testament, the disciples followed the teaching of the apostles (Acts 2:42). Thus, you will find us striving to do the same things on every first day of the week.
We want you to know that we love you because God loves you.

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Please browse and listen to the sermons that are available here.  

You can email us in the "contact us" section if you have questions or comments.

    If you are looking for a church…

  •     Where Jesus the Christ is real.
  •     That teaches the truth from God’s word.
  •     Where joy, hope and forgiveness are real.
  •     With solid Bible answers for troubled times.
  •     Where people who are broken but mending.

                                   We recommend the

                       The Mill Road church




Saturday, July 27, 2024

“Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,”(Daily Reading, ESV)

Recent Lessons

  1. PlayThe Inspired Word of God
    Albert Dickson
  2. PlayWed Night
  3. PlayThe Inspired
    Albert Dickson
  4. PlayWed Night
  5. PlayFour Great Aims Of Life
    Albert Dickson
  6. PlayA Good Worker
    Albert Dickson
  7. PlaySun Eve
    Ron Edlin
  8. PlayThe Why's / Purpose
    Albert Dickson
  9. PlayWed Night
    Gene Dodd